The 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck boast strong partners and sponsors

Lübeck, Nov. 2, 2016. The 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck open today with the most extensive programme to date, a total of 185 films. The festival is the largest platform outside of Scandinavia for current films from the Nordic countries, the Baltic region and northern Germany

The main sponsors STAWAG, partner of Lübeck's public utilities, the Radisson Blu Senator Hotel and the CineStar group are the pillars of support for the festival. Creative Europe MEDIA and the Schleswig-Holstein state ministry of justice, culture and Europe also support the festival, along with the Lübeck Possehl foundation and the Friends of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck. The NFL is presented by the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.

Prizes for the festival are endowed by the broadcaster NDR, also an important media partner to the Film Days, the Gemeinnützige Sparkassenstiftung (regional savings bank foundation) of Lübeck, Lübeck-Lauenburg Protestant Lutheran Church District, the Lübeck trade unions, the CineStar group and the Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper. The main prize for the raffle accompanying the audience prize awarded by the Lübecker Nachrichten, which has been an NFL media partner for many years, will be provided by the festival’s newest sponsor, the Tallink Silja Line.

Additional support for NFL projects comes from the Margot & Jürgen Wessel foundation, for the school programme, and the Lübeck public utilities as sponsor of the 360° fulldome cinema. 

We would like to express our special thanks for their support of this year’s Film Days to the ambassadors of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, as well as the Scandinavian and Baltic film institutes. Numerous additional companies and people have made the NFL possible with donations of services and financial contributions. A complete list of all our partners, sponsors and prize sponsors can be found here.

The 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck will open this evening with a festive international premiere of the film “Framing Mom”, to be distributed in Germany by Farbfilm Verleih. The director Sara Johnsen, lead actors Ruby Dagnall and Laila Goody, as well as producer Turid Øversveen will be guests for the opening night ceremonies. The film was co-produced in Germany by The Match Factory Production, represented by Viola Fügen and Cecile Tollu-Polonowski.

Other guests on opening night include Schleswig-Holstein's minister of justice, culture and Europe, Anke Spoorendonk, Bernd Saxe, mayor of  Lübeck;  lord mayor Gabriele Schopenhauer, Kathrin Weiher, senator for culture, education and schools, as well as embassy counsellor Narve Solheim and the honorary consuls of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.

Information on the 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck, ticket sales and details of special events, the juries and the prizes is available online at: News and announcements can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram/nordicfilmdays and YouTube.


Press contact:

Silke Lehmann
Wiebke Reichenbach
Zara Zerbe
Press and publicity department
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
Tel: +49 451 122 1454