NFL Next - Projects and prizes at the 57th Nordic Film Days Lübeck with the support of committed partners / BJF seminar on “Strong Girls!? Girl characters in current Scandinavian and Baltic films for children and young people”

Lübeck, Nov. 2, 2015. “Strong girls!? Girl characters in current Scandinavian and Baltic films for children and young people” is the subject of this year’s seminar organised by the non-profit BJF, Germany's federation of film clubs for children and young people. The session is aimed at those involved in youth films at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 4 – 8, 2015).   The seminar will be dedicated to analysing and discussing the films from the festival’s children and youth section that fall under the subject heading. Participants in the seminar regularly publish recommendations at the end of the festival, which for more than 30 years, have provided distributors and media educators with valuable assessments that have a decisive influence on how Scandinavian and Baltic children’s and youth films are received in Germany. The 32 films in the children’s and youth section of the NFL represent a broad spectrum of current Scandinavian and Baltic films for young audiences. Five of the section’s features will be screened by the children’s jury, two girls and two boys ranging in age from 11 to 12, which awards the “children’s jury prize”. The award is endowed with 5,000 euros, donated by the Radisson Blu Senator Hotel in Lübeck.

The prize for best children’s and youth film of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck is awarded by a three-person jury; making up the panel this year are director, writer and producer Arend Agthe (“Rettet Raffi!”) from Germany, Finnish literary expert and film consultant Kaisu Isto and German actor and director Victoria Schulz (“Dora or the Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents”). Since 2008, the prize has been endowed with 5,000 euros courtesy of the Gemeinnützige Sparkassenstiftung (regional savings bank foundation) of Lübeck.

Also very popular this year are the NFL Next Youth Projects “Young Festival Bloggers” and “Young Nordic Filmmakers” organised as part of the Nordic Film Days. “Young Nordic filmmakers” brings together 16 young people from four countries for one week to develop treatments and shoot short documentaries, as well as consulting with established directors. The films the international groups make will be shown on Nov. 8th at 11:30 am at the festival cinema CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle, screen 1. Admittance is free of charge.   The “Young Festival Bloggers” are ten people between 12 and 17 years of age. Led by project director Torben Brinkema, they will cover the festival – going to screenings, writing reviews and interviewing people. The resulting blog entries will be posted online during the NFL by the festival’s media partner the Lübeck Nachrichten newspaper and on the festival homepage

The “Young Nordic Filmmakers” project is made possible through the friendly assistance of the Schleswig-Holstein student union of Kiel University, and the federal association Jugend und Film e.V.,  - which is supported by the federal ministry for family, seniors, women and youth. The Kinder und Jugendfilmzentrum in Germany (KJF children and youth film centre) and the German Journalistenverband (federation of journalists) are the supporting partners for the "Young Festival Bloggers” project.


Press contact:

Silke Lehmann

Niko Körner

Antonia Huckle

Press and publicity department

Nordic Film Days Lübeck

Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany

Tel: +49 451 122 1455