Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai

Moteris ir keturi jos vyraiEine Frau und ihre vier Männer / A Woman and Her Four Men

Retrospective, Lithuania 1983, 91 Min., lith. OV, engl./ger. st

Set on the Courland Spit at the end of the 19th century. One day, a fisherman and his two sons find a man’s corpse on the beach. He has had a boating accident and washed up ashore. The elder son marries the dead man’s widow and she is soon pregnant. But her new husband is deeply in debt and goes to prison, never to return. When his son is born, the young woman is already married to a third husband … Based on a story by Danish artist and writer Holger Drachmann (1846 – 1908) that was set in Skagen, Lithuanian director Algimantas Puipa depicts a life full of privations amid a merciless natural world, constantly under threat of sandstorms and flood waters. His tranquil images of the harsh landscape show humans and their world – the sea and the dunes – with archaic frugality.

Director Algimantas Puipa

Screenplay Algimantas Puipa, nach einer Novelle von Holger Drachmann

Festival Contact Lithuanian Film Centre, Z. Sierakavsko g. 15, 03105 Vilnius, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jūratė Onaitytė (Witwe), Antanas Šurna (Vater), Vidas Petkevičius (Alter), Saulius Balandis (junger Mann), Povilas Gaidys (Mauzehunde)

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