
IngalóIngalo im grünen Meer / Ingalo

Retrospective, Iceland / Finland / Germany 1992, 96 Min., icel. OV, engl. st

In Krummavik in northwestern Iceland, the men go out on the fishing boats, while the women process the catch in the factory. But 19-year-old Ingaló has other plans. She leaves home and hires on as ship’s cook to the Matthildur ÍS, where she meets Skúli. Goaded by Ingaló, the fishermen mount the barricades on land; fighting for better living and work conditions, they anoint Skúli their leader … Sólveig Arnarsdóttir (“The Duo”) was honoured as best actress at several international film festivals for her portrayal of a young woman asserting herself in harsh world. “The film was made partially with lay actors who did the same work in real life as their characters, so in some scenes it is hard to distinguish the border between invention and reality”, wrote the Icelandic film festival in Bremen in 2018.

Director Ásdís Thoroddsen

Screenplay Ásdís Thoroddsen

Producer Martin Schlüter

Production Company Gjóla Films ehf., Bergstadastræti 28A, 101 Reykjavík, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact Icelandic Film Centre, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavik, Mail:, Web:

Cast Sólveig Arnarsdóttir (Ingaló), Ingvar Sigurðsson (Skúli), Eggert Þorleifsson (Ásgeir), Haraldur Hallgrímsson (Sveinn), Þráinn Karlsson (Ragnar), Guðný Helgadóttir (Oddný), Þorlákur Kristinsson (Vilhjálmur)

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