Tottori – Sommeren vi var alene

Tottori – Sommeren vi var aleneSchwestern – Der Sommer, in dem wir alleine waren / Sisters

Children´s and Youth Films, Norway 2020, 78 Min., norw. OF, engl. st, 8 years and older

Two sisters, Vega (8) and Billie (4), are on a hiking trip in the Norwegian wilderness with their father when an accident changes everything. In a moment of carelessness, the father falls into a crevice and is unable to get out by himself. When the girls go for help, they get lost in the woods. When they finally find some adults, the grown-ups prove to be as helpless as the young sisters. So the ingenious Vega comes up with a plan. To save the life of their injured father, they are going to have to develop superpowers … Two desperate girls face wild animals, and their own fears, with spunk and humour. The many natural beauties of the Norwegian wilderness play no small role in making this movie a highly enjoyable family drama.

Director Silje Salomonsen, Arild Østin Ommundsen

Screenplay Silje Salomonsen, Arild Østin Ommundsen

Producer Gary Cranner

Production Company Chezville AS, Pedersgata 110, 4014 Stavanger, Mail:, Web:

World Sales M-Appeal, Prinzessinnenstr. 16, 10969 Berlin, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact Norwegian Film Institute, Dronningens gate 16, 0152 Oslo, Mail:, Web:

Cast Vega Østin (Vega), Billie Østin (Billie), Thomas Skjørestad (Vater), Nina Ellen Ødegård (Mutter), Mette Langfeldt Arnstadt (Alte Dame), Oddgeir Thune (Mann mit Panflöte), Kristoffer Joner (Mann mit Feuerzeug)


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