

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2020, 90 Min., indon., engl. OV, engl. st

In 2004, Norwegian adventurer Audun Amundsen travels to the Indonesian islands of Mentawai, where he meets the shaman Aman Paksa and his family. He moves to their jungle home and learns the language. Over the years that follow, he captures with his camera the profound changes that take place in their society. With new streets and electric lines, unbridled development is making rapid inroads. Currency replaces the barter economy, and handcrafts are supplanted by plastic utensils. Aman Paksa wants a part of those modern comforts and his Norwegian friend feels obliged to help him achieve the prosperity he desires. But the chain saw that makes Aman Paksa a successful builder does not make him or his family happy … Audun Amundsen spent 14 years documenting this life in transition between two kinds of society – until Aman Paksa himself decides in favour of one.

Director Audun Amundsen

Screenplay Audun Amundsen

Producer Christian Aune Falch, Torstein Parelius

Production Company UpNorth Film AS Orkanger, Orkdalsvn. 58, 7300 Orkanger, Mail:, Web:

World Sales DR Sales, Emil Holms Kanal 20, 3-4, DK-0999 Kopenhagen C, Mail:, Web:

Cast Audun Amundsen, Aman Paksa


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