Valge laev

Valge laevDas weiße Schiff / White Ship

Retrospective, Estonia 1970, 81 Min., eston. OV, engl. st

A group of young Estonian dissidents in Stockholm is infiltrated by the secret services. The former SS officer Rudolf Talgre, who has turned to working for the US intelligence service, the CIA, worms his way into the affections of the gullible Linda. He even persuades her to marry him, after he has kidnapped her boyfriend Juhan. But alert Soviet secret agents thwart his sinister plan … “White Ship”, shot in wide-screen colour, is the only Estonian film made abroad during the Soviet era. The film’s title refers to the embodiment of ultimate salvation and redemption, as formulated by the 19th century Estonian prophet Juhan Leinberg. That hope was transferred to the English and the Americans after World War II, as a wish for liberation from the Soviet regime. – Premiere of the digitally restored version.

Director Kalju Komissarov

Screenplay Vladimir Vladimirov, Pavel Finn

Producer Veronika Bobossova

Festival Contact Estonian Film Institute - Eesti Filmi Instituut, Mail:, Web:

Cast Enn Kraam (Juhan Saks), Katrin Kumpan (Linda Päri), Kalju Komissarov (Enn Alling), Einari Koppel (Rudolf Talgre), Ago Roo (Olev), Tõnu Tepandi (Heino), Tõnu Mikiver (Jakob)

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