Till drömmarnas land

Till drömmarnas landIns Land der Träume / The Unpromised Land

Children´s and Youth Films, Sweden 2019, 87 Min., sw., rom. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

Sabina is 17, a Roma from Romania who has come to Holmsund with her two older brothers. The men get jobs in a car repair shop, while Sabina has to make money collecting cans. When she meets motherless, 15-year-old Elin, the two become good friends despite a language barrier. They listen to music together, chill out over the summer, and form an alliance against all the annoying things in life – Elin’s xenophobic school principal, her frustrated, weapons-obsessed father and – “fuck you, Holmsund!” – the insanity spreading in Sweden. But the Roma are never going to feel at home in Holmsund … using unsettling camera angles and an unusual sound design, “The Unpromised Land” evokes a latent atmosphere of threat, in which – according to the director’s diagnosis of the times – xenophobia and a propensity to violence prosper.

Director Victor Lindgren

Screenplay Victor Lindgren

Producer Therese Höberg

Production Company Bautafilm AB, Mail: info@bautafilm.se, Web: www.bautafilm.se

Festival Contact Swedish Film Institute, Mail: registrator@sfi.se, Web: www.sfi.se

Cast Andreea Petre (Sabina), Elin Marklund (Elin), Ingrid Nyström (Rektorin), Mattias Fransson (Elins Vater), Christian Priboi (Ciprian), Madalin Mandin (Alexandru)


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