Rekonstruktion Utøya

Rekonstruktion UtøyaReconstructing Utøya

Competition Documentaries, Sweden / Norway / Denmark 2018, 98 Min., norw., sw. OV, engl. st

On July 22, 2011, on Utøya island, 69 teenagers died in 70 minutes, shot by a right-wing extremist. The main focus of the media has been on the perpetrator. Filmmaker Carl Javér decided to take a different approach. He believes we must listen to the memories of the survivors. In his film, four young people – Rakel, Mohammed, Jenny, and Torje – talk about their perception of that inconceivable day. To illustrate the events, twelve volunteers reconstruct them in a film studio, based on eyewitness accounts, with simple outlines on the floor to mark the various sites. The goal of the relatively matter-of-fact reenactments is not empathy, but rather awareness. And the reconstruction of the brutal act of terror also serves to help the survivors come to terms with their traumatic experiences.

Director Carl Javér

Screenplay Carl Javér, Fredrik Lange

Producer Fredrik Lange

Production Company Vilda Bomben Film AB, Web:

World Sales Cinephil, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact Swedish Film Institute, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jenny Andersen, Rakel Mortensdatter Birkeli, Torje Hanssen, Mohammed Saleh



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