Spiegs, kurs mans tevs

Spiegs, kurs mans tevsDie Tochter des Spions / My Father the Spy

Competition Documentaries, Latvia / Estonia / Germany / Czech Republic 2019, 85 Min., engl., latv. OV, engl. UT, FSK 6

This documentary examines a Cold War era family drama. Ieva Lesinska was a 20-year-old university student in Soviet Latvia when she went to New York to visit her father, who worked officially as a translator at United Nations headquarters. In reality a KGB agent, when he defects, Ieva decides to stand by him. With CIA help, she gets a new identity as Evelyn Dorn, an East German immigrant. From then on, she lived a life of lies. It would be 13 years before she returned to Latvia or saw her mother again … As she explores the secrets of her father, who remained a stranger to her until his death, the political parameters of her own existence are revealed. “My Father the Spy” uses film, audio recordings, and interviews, as well as photo comic passages to trace the diverse fractures that appear in a family construct when it is drawn into the web of espionage between two great powers.

Director Jaak Kilmi, Gints Grūbe

Screenplay Jaak Kilmi, Gints Grūbe

Producer Gints Grūbe, Antra Gaile, Jörg Bundschuh, Julietta Sichel, Jaak Kilmi

Production Company Film Studio Mistrus Media, Mail: birojs@mistrusmedia.lv, Web: www.mistrusmedia.lv

World Sales Syndicado Film Sales, Mail: greg@syndicado.com, Web: www.syndicado.com

Cast Natālija Knipše (Kommentar)


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