

Filmforum, Germany 2016, 9 Min., germ. OV, engl. st

High school student “Bismarck99” asks for advice in an online forum for a paper on the former “Adolf Hitler" polder in Dithmarschen – known today as “Dieksander polder”. Rebuffed at first, he doesn’t give up, and gradually uncovers the genesis of this land reclamation project from the Nazi era. – Reconstructed using archival material, found footage, and voiceovers.

Director Bettina Nürnberg, Dirk Peuker

Screenplay Bettina Nürnberg, Dirk Peuker

Producer Bettina Nürnberg, Dirk Peuker

Cast Hauke Harders (Schüler), Stefan Römer (Historiker)

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