Citizen Schein

Citizen Schein

Retrospective, Sweden 2017, 100 Min., swed., engl., germ. OV, engl. st

Originally from Vienna, film journalist Harry Schein (1924 – 2006) was a close friend of Ingmar Bergman, Olof Palme’s tennis partner, and married to the “most beautiful woman in Sweden”, actress Ingrid Thulin. And he was a key innovator of the Swedish film subsidy infrastructure. With an abundance of archival footage and interviews, this film reconstructs the career trajectory of the flamboyant self-made man, who was also a guest at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck on several occasions. But Harry Schein could never entirely shake off the shadow of his past. After becoming the target of anti-Semitic attacks in his new homeland, he felt compelled to take a stand against xenophobic tendencies. With its brilliant editing, “Citizen Schein” is an intense and empathetic portrait of a pugnacious, conflicted character.

Director Maud Nycander, Kersti Grunditz Brennan, Jannike Åhlund

Screenplay Maud Nycander, Kersti Grunditz Brennan, Jannike Åhlund

Producer Rebecka Hamberger

Cast Maud Nycander (Erzählerstimme), Eli Ingvarsson (Harry Scheins Stimme), Harriet Andersson, Roy Andersson, Daniel Bergman, Jörn Donner, Liv Ullmann, Ingrid Thulin, Theodor Kallifatides, Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss


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