Ishavsblod - De siste selfangerne

Ishavsblod - De siste selfangerneDie letzten Robbenjäger / Sealers - One Last Hunt

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2016, 98 Min., norweg., engl. OV, engl. st

Hunting harp seals is a centuries-old tradition in Norway. In some families, generations of men have taken to the seas between Greenland and Iceland, where the animals, prized for their skins, gather on the ice. But seal hunting has long since fallen into disrepute. Public outrage, an EU ban on trade in seal products, and the withdrawal of state subsidies spelled the end. One hundred years ago, 200 ships regularly set out on the hunt; today only one remains. Rough and ready captain Bjørne won’t give up. Along with his first officer Espen, he hired a crew. Without being judgemental, the two filmmakers accompanied the ship on the hunt. The film shows the disappearing ice floes, impressive arctic storms, and encounters with polar bears, as well as the hunters’ disillusionment with their own handiwork.

Director Trude Berge Ottersen, Gry Elisabeth Mortensen

Producer Trude Berge Ottersen, Gry Elisabeth Mortensen


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