
KiehumispisteSiedepunkt / The Boiling Point

Competition Documentaries, Finland 2017, 93 Min., finn., engl., arab. OV, engl. st

“Close the borders!” demonstrators on one side yell, while the other side shouts “open the borders!”; the police stand between the two groups. The mood is tense in Finland – the flood of refugees, combined with cuts to social welfare programmes has pitted people against each other. While right-wing groups and ‘fringe dwellers’ take to the streets to protest immigration, the “good people” demonstrate against racism. Elina Hirvonen set out to trace the roots of the country’s mood. The search took her to racist rallies, soup kitchens, the local pub, and refugee centres. And many demonstrations. Her film shows a divided and emotionally charged country, in which the necessary reasoned debate hardly seems possible. Oula and Tapsa are one model of what that might look like. Despite opposing convictions, they are respectful in their discussions with each other. Where, you might ask? In the sauna, of course.

Director Elina Hirvonen

Screenplay Elina Hirvonen

Producer Sami Jahnukainen, Timo Vierimaa

Cast Oula Silvennoinen, Tapio Salminen



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