
DobbeltspilBackstabbing for Beginners

Specials, Denmark / Canada / Sweden 2017, 108 Min., engl. OV

Michael suddenly gets his dream job – he’s wanted to work for the United Nations since he was a kid. And right off he’s assigned to the programme with the highest budget in the organisation: Oil-for-Food was set up to provide the Iraqi people with medicines and other supplies despite the economic sanctions imposed on the country after the second Gulf War. But Michael’s euphoria is soon followed by disillusionment. One shouldn’t lie, decrees Michael’s supervisor (Ben Kingsley in one of his best roles), but one should select facts very carefully, since the Oil-for-Food pipeline is essential to the survival of the civilian population. It is clear that things won’t end well, but this tautly-paced political thriller reveals the extent of the perfidy only bit by bit. The real case on which the film is based is considered one of the biggest corruption scandals in recent years.

Director Per Fly

Screenplay Per Fly, Daniel Pyne nach dem Roman von / based on a novel by Michael Soussan

Producer Malene Blenkov, Nikolaj Vibe Michelsen, Lars Knudes, Daniel Bekerman

Cast Theo James (Michael), Belcim Bilgin (Nashim), Jaqueline Bisset (Dupre), Ben Kingsley (Pasha), Rossif Sutherland (Trevor), Brian Markinson (Rasnetsov), Rachel Wilson (Lily)

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