Deportation Class

Deportation Class

Filmforum, Germany / Albania 2016, 85 Min., germ., alban. OV, germ. st

They arrive in the night, drag families from their beds, give them just enough time to pack and then load them onto a plane. “They” are the so-called “supply commandos” of police and immigration authorities. Last year, more than 22,000 people were deported from Germany after their applications for political asylum were rejected. With “Deportation Class”, for the first time we have an in-depth look at this coercive procedure – from the detailed planning in civil service offices to the night-time raids on the asylum-seekers’ accommodations, to their arrival back in their home countries – and the issue of what awaits them there. After lengthy research, the film crew led by Carsten Rau and Hauke Wendler had an opportunity to follow a mass deportation in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. It became a pet project of the state’s interior minister Lorenz Caffier, who is present at the deportations and is as helpless in the face of the misery as the officials executing the raid.

Director Carsten Rau, Hauke Wendler

Screenplay Carsten Rau, Hauke Wendler

Cast Angjela, Elidor, Gezim

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