
SpeglingarReflexionen / Reflections

Competition Documentaries, Sweden 2016, 77 Min., swed. OV, engl. st

Sara Broos says she actually had an easygoing childhood. No traumas. But, she says, there was the silence. At 15, Broos stopped eating; she then developed bulimia. In “Reflections” she uses the camera in an attempt to get close to her mother and to her own history. Conversations, associative images and autobiographical texts are combined to form an intimate family portrait. The film tackles big issues – how parents shape the life of their children, what it means to get older. “I’m interested in the fissures, the things in-between, the gaps and the chasm”, says Broos. Not least of all, the images tell the tale of the attempt to become one’s own person, while still realising that we remain inseparable from the people we grew up with – for good or ill.

Director Sara Broos

Screenplay Sara Broos

Cast Karin Broos, Sara Broos


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