Et hjem i verden

Et hjem i verdenIn der Welt zu Hause / At Home in the World

Competition Documentaries, Denmark 2015, 59 Min., dan., russ., arab. OV, engl. st

Some came to Denmark with their parents, others arrived alone. Ali, whose family fled Afghanistan, talks about his dreams. “I fall asleep and then I see five men threatening my father with a knife”. Magomed from Chechnya is also forced to confront the past – his father was tortured and is now facing deportation from Denmark. In the process of gently getting closer to five of the children, director Andreas Koefoed shows the different ways they try to process what they’ve experienced – the flight, often lasting years, through different countries, the violence they experienced or watched. The camera stays trained on the children’s faces. And yet this markedly discreet film manages to avoid any trace of voyeurism.

Director Andreas Koefoed

Screenplay Andreas Koefoed

Cast Magomed, Sehmuz, Heda, Amel, Ali



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