Algjör Sveppi og Gói bjargar málunum

Algjör Sveppi og Gói bjargar málunumSveppi und Gói retten die Welt / The Biggest Rescue

Children´s and Youth Films, Iceland 2014, 108 Min., German commentary, 6 years and older

Sveppi and Villi discover that an old archenemy has built a dangerous machine that can trigger apocalyptic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. When he threatens to use it to wipe Iceland off the map, the two know they must take action. Along with their friend Gói, they succeed in uncovering the villain’s secret lair at the bottom of Eldborg volcano’s crater. But to save Iceland and the world, the three mates have to figure out how to destroy the machine. The endearingly dopey trio of kids, played by adult actors, stumbles through a rambunctious adventure, as the film pokes a bit of fun at every James Bond and Indiana Jones film. This is the fourth instalment of the Sveppi saga, beloved not only in Iceland and not exclusively by children.

Director Bragi Thór Hinriksson

Screenplay Bragi Thór Hinriksson, Sverrir Thór Sverrisson

Cast Sverrir Thór Sverrisson (Sveppi), Gudjón Davíd Karlsson (Gói), Vilhelm Anton Jónsson (Villi)


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