
AfvejDer Abbruch / Interruption

Nordic Shorts, Denmark 2015, 50 Min., dan. OV, engl. st

Jump in for someone at the clinic though she's already worked six days straight? No problem for Marie. And she'll still make it to parent-teacher night at school. Marie is what's called a modern woman. She combines her challenging job as an oncologist with the parenting of her children. She must summon all her resources to cope, since the hospital is permanently understaffed and she takes her job as a mother very seriously. When she discovers she's pregnant again, Marie tries to manage this problem alone too, and as efficiently as possible. But her decision threatens to topple her fragile construct. This clever and impressively acted commentary on the compatibility of family and career demonstrates how the juggling act between job and optimal parenting can drive women to their limit.

Director Malou Reymann

Screenplay Malou Reymann

Cast Tuva Novotny (Marie), Benjamin Kitter (Martin), Sebastian Teschemacher (Oliver)



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