
BrødreBrüder / Brothers

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2015, 101 Min., norweg. OV, engl. st

Markus and Lukas play in the dunes on Norway’s west coast. They get ready to jump into the sea off the family’s boathouse. But while Markus jumps with no hesitation, Lukas doesn’t. The two brothers grow up together in the same housing complex in Oslo and go to the same school. They share a childhood, but they develop in different directions. Markus has played football since he was five. He hopes to make it to Norway’s premier league. Lukas gets easily absorbed in the natural world, and lost in his own thoughts. He wants to grow up to be an engineer. Or perhaps he’ll play football too? The film was shot by the boys’ mother and follows Markus and Lukas for eight years, until Markus is almost grown up. It’s an unusual family portrait that shows exactly how people discover and develop their personalities, slowly becoming adults.

Director Aslaug Holm



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