Till Eulenspiegel

Till Eulenspiegel

Filmforum, Germany 2014, 120 Min.

Till Eulenspiegel roves across Germany and half of Europe. Dauntless, irreverent and always with a grin, he targets anyone and everyone with his pranks. With roguish devilry, he uncovers outrage wherever he sees it and holds a mirror up to people’s shortcomings. Yet he’s so fast and canny, he leaves his pursuers in the dust. Our boy Till is a true master of the art of easy living, enjoying every day as it comes. That is, until he butts heads with Lübeck’s powerful mayor, Klaas Wüllenwever, whose aim is to lead the Hanseatic League to war and bring it new power and glory. Till gives the mayor the usual run-around, until Wüllenwever takes Till’s childhood sweetheart Kathrin captive. Suddenly the tide turns and the mercurial jokester does something he normally shrinks from like a demon from holy water – he takes on responsibility and decides to look after Kathrin’s daughter Marie.

Director Christian Theede

Screenplay Leonie Bongartz, Dieter Bongartz

Cast Jacob Matschenz (Till Eulenspiegel), Jule Herrmann (Marie), Anna Bederke (Kathrin), Devid Striesow (Bürgermeister Wüllenwever), Peter Jordan (Johann Johannsen)

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