Bonne Nuit Papa

Bonne Nuit PapaGood Night Papa

Filmforum, Germany 2014, 101 Min., engl. ST

In her documentary, Marina Kem explores the life of the father who was a near stranger to her. A taciturn man, he never spoke to anyone about his Cambodian homeland. Ottara Kem arrived in the former GDR as a young man in 1965 to study mechanical engineering. He built a new life in Europe, which saved him from the Khmer Rouge but, isolated from his family and his culture, left him lonely. After East Germany collapsed, he lost his job, like so many engineers, and his marriage ended in divorce. Over the years, he withdrew more and more into his own world. On his deathbed, Kem’s father asked his three daughters to bury him in Cambodia. Carrying his ashes, the sisters begin a journey into the unknown. In this new and foreign homeland, they slowly begin to uncover their father’s past, encountering love, reconciliation and a closeness that can overcome even the horrors of the Khmer Rouge.

Director Marina Kem

Screenplay Marina Kem


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