Stella i orlofi

Stella i orlofiStella macht Urlaub / The Icelandic Shock Station

Retrospective, Iceland 1986, 86 Min., engl. ST

“Is everyone going mad, or is this just part of therapy?” Salomon has come to Iceland to seek treatment for his alcohol addiction. Instead, he winds up going on a soggy and uplifting fishing trip when Stella, a headstrong mother of three, mistakes the Swedish recovering alcoholic for one of her husband’s business associates. In fact her husband Georg, who has broken both arms in a drunken accident, was hoping to go catch some salmon in the mountains with his Danish mistress. The plot thickens when Salomon gets sober and Stella uncovers her husband’s secret. This marital comedy is among the most popular films in Iceland starring Edda Björgvinsdóttir giving a scintillating performance. With the whirlwind plot, the director and screenwriter comment on the tricky ins and outs of gender roles: men’s response to the inherent fear of a “female power grab” and what women can do to successfully assert their rights.

Director Thórhildur Thorleifsdóttir

Screenplay Gudn Halldórsdóttir

Cast Edda Björgvinsdóttir (Stella), Gestur Einar Jónasson (Georg), Thórhallur Sigur sson (Salomon), Sólveig Arnarsdóttir (Eva), Unnur Berglind Gu mundsdóttir (Silja), Bessi Bjarnason (Bóndi), Bríet Hé insdóttir (Amman)

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