Emmauksen tiellä

Emmauksen tielläAuf dem Weg nach Emmaus / On the Road to Emmaus

Retrospective, Finland 2001, 80 Min.

After more than twenty years away, estate agent Rane Koskivuo revisits his childhood village to sell the farm he has inherited and to sever his last few ties to the past. Despite his intentions to get back to Helsinki as quickly as possible, he finds himself compelled by mysterious forces to relive his past in the village. It turns out to be quite a horror show. With moments reminiscent of the Dogma films, in which the actors read straight out of the script or event directly to camera, the comedy has a dark sense of humour throughout. In the words of director Markku Pölönen, “this is a burlesque comedy to relieve the engorgement of nostalgia for the countryside. Every once in a while, we need to grab each other by the ankles, turn each other upside down and see what falls out of our pockets”.

Director Markku Pölönen

Screenplay Markku Pölönen

Cast Puntti Valtonen (Rane Koskivuo), Peter Franzén (Mankka-Arvi), Lotta Lehtikari (Rebekka), Katariina Kaitue (Maikki), Tommi Korpela (Kuoppala), Sanna-Kaisa Palo (Ella), Mika Nuojua (Tane), Janne Reinikainen (Joppe Perälä), Tommi Eronen (Retu Perälä), Risto Aaltonen (Paakkila

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