Långt från Jordbro

Långt från JordbroFern von Jordbro / Far from Jordbro

Competition Documentaries, Sweden 2014, 123 Min.

For more than 40 years, director Rainer Hartleb has been following the residents of Jordbro with a camera. What began in 1972, when the first families moved into the budding Stockholm suburb, has grown into a long-term study. It started with the children who were attending first grade in Jordbro. Hartleb documented their course through school, as they developed young adults; he captured their dreams, crisis and life-changing decisions. In the seventh film in the series, those children are now adults, many of them with children of their own. But the new generation has left Jordbro, moving to Göteborg, or even to Greece, the US or Australia. There is joy at becoming new parents, but also serious illness. By concentrating on individual destinies, Hartleb has succeeded in painting a portrait of society, one that is without parallel.

Director Rainer Hartleb

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