My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn

My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding RefnMein Leben unter der Regie von Nicolas Winding Refn

Competition Documentaries, Denmark 2014, 58 Min., engl. OV

The filmmaker accompanies her husband, with their children, to Thailand where he’s shooting “Only God Forgives”. It’s his next film after his huge success with “Drive”, and he’s under a lot of pressure. She brings her camera with her to film the set, rehearsals and meetings, as well as to the place she spends most of her time – their hotel suite. While Winding Refn acts the self-assured director on set and pulls himself together in front of the children, Corfixen sees the unvarnished truth. Sparing nothing and no one, she shows her husband’s mood swings, his doubts and fears in light of the high expectations on him, as well as his bouts of narcissistic fatalism, which she finds it hard to deal with. Slowly it becomes clearer how difficult it is for the filmmaker to accept her role as wife and mother in the shadow of a great director.

Director Liv Corfixen

Screenplay Liv Corfixen

Cast Nicolas Winding Refn, Ryan Gosling


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