Søvnløs i Lofoten

Søvnløs i LofotenSchlaflos auf den Lofoten / Heart of Lightness

Specials, Norway 2014, 110 Min., norweg. OV

A Norwegian director receives a film subsidy, but ends up spending all the money. When he goes to the theatre in London, he has a great idea for saving his bacon. Why not film Ibsen’s play “The Lady from the Sea” in the spectacular landscape of the Lofoten Islands in the Arctic Circle? Simply ship the English stage actors off to Norway, hire local film students, and Bob’s your uncle. However, the stage director who accompanies the actors doesn’t appreciate that film production follows a different set of rules than the stage and the Norwegian film students have their own special professional ethics. To top it off, the sun refuses to set, exerting its own special influence on the progress of the shoot and everyone involved. In his blithe film-within-a-film, director Jan Vardøen lets the audience in on the filmmaking process and spotlights just how modern Ibsen’s play is.

Director Jan Vardøen

Screenplay Jan Vardøen

Cast Laura Donelly (Ellida), Dominic Mafham (Doctor Wangel), Rosie Day (Hilde), Daisy Head (Bolette), James Bachman (Max Buchanan), Michael Colgan (Arnholm), Sam Heughan (Lyngstrand), Jannicke Stendal Hansen (First AD), John Hodgkinson (Jason Malvern)


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