Ya ne vernus

Ya ne vernusIch komme nicht zurück / I Won't Come Back

Competition Narrative Films, Estonia / Russia / Finland / Belarus / Kazakhstan 2014, 109 Min., engl. ST

Anja has made something of herself. As a child she grew up in an orphanage; now the 23-year-old teaches at a university. But Anja has not yet found happiness. At every opportunity, she stubbornly demands her right to be loved – though she’s not quite sure how one does love someone else. When an acquaintance stashes drugs in her room and the police suddenly show up, Anja abruptly flees. She hides in a place where no one will find her, a place where she knows her way around well -- an orphanage. Here she meets 13-year-old Kristina, who wishes nothing more than to find her missing grandmother. Anja and Kristina turn their backs on the city and embark on a hitchhiking journey that will take them from Russia clear across the border to Kazakhstan, where they suspect the old lady might be in a small village.

Director Ilmar Raag

Screenplay Jaroslava Pulinovich

Cast Polina Pushkaruk (Anya), Victoria Lobacheva (Kristina), Andrey Astrahantsev (Andrey Lucius), Sergej Jacenjuk (Dima Morozow), Olga Belinskaja (Natalia Ivanova)


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