Orions Belte

Orions BelteOrion's Belt

Retrospective, Norway 1985, 102 Min.

The title of the film – based on the best-selling novel by Jon Michelet – refers to the code name used at the time by military strategists for this Arctic region. When three Norwegian adventurers discover a secret Soviet military station in this seemingly barren area, they are forced to flee for their lives. They have clearly become unwilling witnesses to a political conspiracy in which even their own government is involved. “Orion’s Belt” was awarded four “Amandas”, for Best Film, Best Camera, Best Music as well as for the acting of the ensemble. The director's fondness for action elements is clearly discernible - more even than in his “Operation Cobra” (1979).

Director Ola Solum

Screenplay Richard Harris (= Harald Paalgard, Ola Solum)

Cast Helge Jordal (Tom), Sverre Anker Ousdal (Lare), Hans Ola Sorlie (Sverre), Kjersti Holmen (Eva)


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