Belleville Baby

Belleville Baby

Competition Documentaries, Sweden 2013, 73 Min.

During her film studies, Mia Engberg lived in the Parisian quarter of Belleville. She long since became mother of a daughter and lives in her homeland of Sweden. Then she receives an unexpected telephone call from Paris: from Vincent, her boyfriend at the time. He spent eight years in prison, and he asks Maria Engbert to help him find out what made him lose control of his life. He retraces his path into criminality by means of telephone conversations and self-shot cell phone movies. The director also revives old memories with her own footage from her Paris days: of a love between an adolescent suburban crook and a Swedish film student that broke with the conventions of the time ... “Belleville Baby” is a filmic essay about suppressed memories, a fascination for the other and love beyond class differences.

Director Mia Engberg

Screenplay Mia Engberg



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