Nordfor sola

Nordfor solaNördlich der Sonne / North of the Sun

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2012, 46 Min.

Inge Wegge (25) and Jorn Ranum (22) are the modern descendents of Norwegian polar explorers. They entered the Arctic on the trail of Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen and spent an entire winter “in night and ice”. However, the privations they imposed upon themselves in a small hut made of flotsam and jetsam did not serve geographical explorations: Inge and Jorn were on a quest for fun! Both are enthusiastic surfers, and the remote little bay on the Lofoten, with its strong Atlantic surf, was paradise to them. Llively images full of immediacy provide an account of their surfing adventure under the midnight sun in the arctic night, but also of their commitment to the environment as salvagers in a surf resort.

Director Inge Wegge, Jørn Nyseth Ranum

Screenplay Inge Wegge, Jørn Nyseth Ranum


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