TavarataivasMein Zeugs / My Stuff

Competition Documentaries, Finland 2013, 80 Min.

My coat. My blanket. My mattress. This are the only things Petri Luukkainen has at his disposal at the beginning of the film. He has placed all of his possessions in storage and may only retrieve one item per day throughout the following year. “My Stuff” is the journal of a self-experiment which the director inflicted upon himself after his girlfriend had left him. He had gone into a shopping frenzy and had consumed ad nauseam. With the help of his new “minimalist” way of life, he hopes to gain clarity regarding “real values”. He finds moral support in conversations with his grandmother. However, the changes in his everyday life become somewhat drastic as the washing machine flows over and he no longer possesses a bucket ... “My Stuff” takes a humorous, Finnish approach to reflecting consumer society phenomena.

Director Petri Luukkainen

Screenplay Petri Luukkainen


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