Olimäe oied

Olimäe oiedBlüten vom Ölberg / Flowers from the Mount of Olives

Competition Documentaries, Estonia 2013, 70 Min.

Mother Ksengya is 85 years old. The native Estonian has lived in Jerusalem for more than 20 years - as a nun in the Russian Orthodox convent on the Mount of Olives. Her biography is very eventful. During the War she works as a translator for the Wehrmacht, which brings her to Germany, where she is considered a “displaced person”. After a short marriage with an American, and a morphium addiction from which her second husband cures her, whom she follows to Australia. After his death, she studies biology and medicine, and takes responsibility for an adopted child. She does not leave everything worldly behind her when she enters the convent in search of the “Grand Scheme”, spiritual redemption: she considers herself cosmopolitan, and in her old age she travels to Estonia once more.

Director Heilika Pikkov

Screenplay Heilika Pikkov


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