
TyskungenEngel aus Eis / The Hidden Child

Specials, Sweden 2013, 109 Min.

As a writer, Erika Falck is familiar with doing research. But when her parents die in a car crash, it leads to investigations that Erika would rather have done without, as they lead to a particularly dark aspect of her mother's past. A few months after the latter's death, a man appears at the door, claiming to be her biological son and thus Erika's half-brother. An absurd claim, she feels. But when her visitor is murdered only a few days later, she begins to feel seriously uneasy. As Erika sifts through her mother's things, she discovers some long-kept secrets. With the increasing light she casts onto her family history, she must come to realize that yesterday's issues are not resting in war journals, but still spreading danger in the form of neo-Nazis.

Director Per Hanefjord

Screenplay Maria Karlsson, nach einem Roman von Camilla Läckberg

Cast Claudia Galli (Erika Falck), Richard Ulfsäter (Patrik Hedström), Lennart Jähkel (Mellberg), Pamela Cortes Bruna (Paula), Eva Fritjofson (Kristina)


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