Erlesene Welten

Erlesene WeltenHungry Minds

Filmforum, Germany 2012, 87 Min.

The Bengal architect Mohammed Rezwan invents library boats. Equipped with solar panels, books and computers, they supply remote villagers with literature and electrical power even in the monsoon season. Every summer, the Mongolian children's book author Jambyn Dashdond packs two cardboard boxes full of books to supply children in remote rural areas with reading matter. The Kenyan librarian Abdullah Osman leads a camel caravan laden with books to the nomadic tribes on the border to Somalia. They all cross vast distances in the heat, the wind, the rain or the snow, be it by foot on gravel roads, by boat through the fluvial landscapes of Bangladesh, or by jeep and yak-pulled cart in the Mongolian highlands. The film is an anthem to books. Carefully, respectfully, almost caressingly it approaches the projects via human contact, presenting each in their different living environments.

Director Beatrix Schwehm

Screenplay Beatrix Schwehm


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