Nach dem Brand

Nach dem BrandAfter the Fire

Filmforum, Germany 2012, 50 Min.

In 1992, seven-year-old Ibrahim Arslan survives an arson attack by adolescent right-wingers on his family's home in Mölln. Three of his relatives die in the flames. 15 years later the still traumatised young man begins to investigate: What exactly happened in 1992? How is the rest of his family dealing with the tragedy? The film team accompanies Ibrahim Arslan throughout four years, giving sensitive insight into the young man's everyday life after he moved to Berlin, his struggle in dealing with the past and the chronic illness it has left him with. It becomes clear how important - albeit painful - the annual solidarity meeting in Mölln is, which commemorates the night of terror. Ibrahim Arslan constlantly asks himself whether it will ever be possible to leave the terrible experience behind him and live an unburdened life.

Director Malou Berlin

Screenplay Malou Berlin

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