
FuglejagtenDie Vogeljagd / The Great Bird Race

Films for young viewers, Denmark 2012, 90 Min., 9 years and older

12-year-old Victor joins his father on a bird-watching competition in a nature reserve. The aim is to find and photograph a rare bird within a set amount of time. Whoever finds the rarest bird wins the competition, the prize being a trip to the Bosporus. Thank God Victor's biggest competitor Daniel Olsen isn't there. Bad luck for Viktor when said Olsen turns up after all, despite walking on crutches. Their bird hunt begins. Viktor already sees himself winning the competition as he spies a golden eagle and raises his camera. But just at moment Pernille, the girl who insisted on accompanying him, receives a text message on her phone, and the bird takes off. Later that night, Daniel, of all people, shows off his picture of the very same bird, leaving Viktor furious. On all accounts must Viktor find an even rarer bird the next day. Thankfully, a member of his ornithology team has rare birds in his basement, even if Viktor isn't strictly speaking entitled to “borrow” them ...

Director Christian Dyekjær

Screenplay Christian Dyekjær, Mette Damgaaard-Sørensen

Cast Oliver Methling Søndergaard (Viktor), Georg Hvidtfeldt Treschow (Daniel), Lars Brygmann (Jesper), Jesper Asholt (Sten Olsen), Charlotte Fich (Pia), Jesper Langberg (Arvid)

Trailer http://www.nimbusfilm.dk/Film/Featurefilms/Id108

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