
UskyldUnschuld / All That Matters Is Past

Competition Narrative Films, Norway / Sweden 2012, 104 Min.

Two rivalling brothers are dead in a forest. Near them lies the unconscious body of a young woman who had known the men all her life. “Is she a murderer or a victim?” The pregnant policewoman Ragnhild's investigations reveal a passionate love affair: Janne had left her husband and child to live in a wood cabin with William, the love of her youth. But their dream of returning to their childhood paradise is foiled by William's older brother Ruud. He attempts to jam a wedge between them, as he did years before. Back then, Janne had yielded to the pressure ... Embedded in a crime story and illustrated with shimmering images of summer, Sara Johnson recounts how childhood dreams are shattered by human nature. Nevertheless the primeval conflicts of this timeless drama are firmly anchored in the here and now, as the apparent idyll of remote Nordic woods is inexorably threatened by the problems of present-day globalisation.

Director Sara Johnsen

Screenplay Sara Johnsen

Cast Maria Bonnevie (Janne), Kristoffer Joner (William), David Dencik (Ruud), Maria Heiskanen (Ragnhild), Tea Sandanger (Janne, 14), Åsmund Høeg (William, 14), Trond Nilssen (Ruud, 18), Line Billa Ljøstad (Janne, 18), Mads Sjøgård Pettersen (William, 18)



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