Kompani Orheim

Kompani OrheimKompanie Orheim / The Orheim Company

Competition Narrative Films, Norway 2012, 104 Min., 14 years and older

“Forever Young!” The musical promise in Alphaville's smash hit becomes reality for Jarle Klepp: Set in 1980s Stavanger, this coming-of-age drama tells of Jarle's conflicts with his alcoholic father Terje, who sees himself as the family's "company commander", a position which he simultaneously sabotages with his bouts of violence; and of the consolation that Jarle seeks in pop music and political commitments - and in the girls that cross his path. Awarded the prize for Best Nordic Film 2012 at the Gothenburg Festival, “The Orheim Company” sensitively and compassionately depicts a conflict in generations that many members of the cinema audience can relate to, as well as delivering a very authentic 1980s soundtrack and production design. Particularly the main actor Vebjørn Enger gives a convincing performance as the younger persona of the reminiscing protagonist acted by Rolf Kristian Larsen, who looks back on his life after his father's death.

Director Arild Andresen

Screenplay Arild Andresen. Kars Gudmestad, nach dem Roman von Tore Renberg

Cast Rolf Kristian Larsen (Jarle Klepp), Vebjørn Enger (Jarle Orheim), Kristoffer Joner (Terje Orheim), Cecilie Mosli (Sara Orheim), Andreas Cappelen (Steinar Orheim)


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