Cilveki tur

Cilveki turPeople Out There

Competition Narrative Films, Latvia 2012, 90 Min.

Jan is a Russian in his mid-twenties. He lives with his grandfather in a dismal high-rise housing estate on the outskirts of Riga. He spends most of his time hanging out with his friend Cracker, smoking weed and earning a living with petty theft. When he witnesses a school friend being brutally beaten to death, he wants to change his life - especially when he meets Sabina and falls head over heels in love with her. Sabina comes from a wealthy background and turns Jan existence topsy-turvy. He acquires a taste for the comfortable, secure life that Sabina shows him, and becomes intent on climbing the social ladder - against all the odds ... Aik Karapetian's directing debut was shown at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival. Raw, fast-paced, hand-held camera images convey a haunting atmosphere of a “high-rise slab jungle” in which everyone must hold their own against everyone else.

Director Aik Karapetian

Screenplay Aik Karapetian

Cast Ilya Scherbakov (Jan), Semyon Serzin (Cracker), Mikhail Razumovsky (Albert), Viktoria Kondratenko (Sabina), Andris Gross (Andris)



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