Til siste hinderBis zum letzten Hindernis / Coming Home

Films for young viewers, Norway 2011, 84 Min., 12 years and older

Til siste hinder

Ida has just moved to a rural village on the coast of Norway. So far, the 16-year-old has only been interested in fashion - as her outfits reveal. Three girls of the same age, who love to go riding on the neighbouring horse stud farm, find the city girl ridiculous, in the same way as she sneers at them for being "mucky pups". After chatting online with a girlfriend she decides to bunk off, but her escape literally falls through. She finds an unexpected friend though: Kehilan, a black horse with a reputation for being untamed. Kehilan allows Ida to ride him, and she is soon accepted into the girls' gang. But one day Kehilan throws her off his back on an all-deciding ride, and the poor old horse is to be put down. Magnificent landscapes and extensive riding scenes adorn this pony ranch idyll, in which juvenile equestrian love ultimately overcomes all dramatic hurdles.

Director Anders Øvergaard

Screenplay Kathrine Haugen

Cast Julie Nordhuus (Ida), Marianne Meløy (Lisbeth), Elise Strømberg Mærlie, Marthe Vonheim, Hanne Øberg, Nina Pernille Marlow

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