Ka klajas, Rudolf Ming?Wie geht's Dir, Rudolf Ming? / How Are You Doing, Rudolf Ming?

Competition Documentaries, Latvia 2010, 62 Min., English subtitles

Ka klajas, Rudolf Ming?

Rudolf Ming founded the "Muris 89" film studios in Latvia. He is a producer, director, scriptwriter, cameraman, composer, cutter, sound engineer and film orchestra. Rudolf Ming is 13 years old. He draws his films frame by frame with crayons on strips of transparent paper, which he then projects onto his bedroom wall in front of numbered "cinema seats". He has made c 100 films, including some serious horror films. And he would never, ever produce a film about a boy and girl falling in love. His longest film is more than 15 metres long and has a running time of 20 minutes. In 2007 the local reverend asked the boy to make an adaptation of a biblical subject: the story of Joseph and his brothers. Rudolph started working immediately. This portrait of an exceptional filmmaker, whose temperament may seem a little disturbing at times, follows the development of a successful pedagogical experiment - and supplies the "making of" of a juvenescent bible adaptation.

Director Roberts Rubins

Screenplay Janis Kalve


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