HöllinDer Palast / The Palace

Competition Documentaries, Iceland 2010, 53 Min., English subtitles


The architect Gudjon Samuelsson designed the National Theatre and the Hallgrims Church in Reykjavik. But it is the "Swimming Palace" which may well be considered his most significant building. The indoor swimming pool was opened in 1937, its form and building materials oriented around the environment surrounding it. Both stage and cathedral in one, it signifies a magical - even "holy" - place for many of its visitors. Especially for the elderly: At six in the morning they stand outside its doors, waiting over a cup of coffee to be admitted into the inner sanctum. Blood pressure and the weather are amongst the popular topics of the general chatter. Many of the visitors are as old as the swimming pool itself - the oldest will soon be celebrating his 97th birthday. The swimming pool offers them human warmth and tranquility, conversations and hugs. "Yes," says the woman at the ticket counter, "there is flirting, too." The "Sundhöll Reykjavíkur" is a place where life passes by slowly and gradually - the film observing it as serenely as a swimmer enjoying a gentle backstroke.

Director Hédinn Halldórsson

Screenplay Hédinn Halldórsson

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