BrímBrím - Die Strömung / Brím (Undercurrent)

Competition Narrative Films, Iceland 2010, 95 Min., English subtitles


Jon Geir is dead. The crew member didn't survive the latest fishing trip of the Reykjavik-based trawler "RE 29". Against his conviction, skipper Anton replaces him with his niece Drifa. He warns her of "16-hour shifts and hard work" aboard the ship that is in need of a general overhaul: "This is hell on earth." Soon Drifa realizes that seasickness will be the least of her worries on this trip through rough seas and strong gales: Below deck, the trawler is a labyrinth in which she stumbles upon men whose emotional upheaval echoes the sea outside. Once again the ship seems to be sailing under an unlucky star, as if Jon Geir's ghost is walking the corridors like the ship's own goblin... Director Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson has adapted the theatre play "Undercurrent", much celebrated in Iceland, to create this psychodrama set in near confinement. Precise character development and the competent mise-en-scène of the forces of nature make this film a breath-takingly nightmarish sailing trip of unfathomed depth.

Director Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson

Screenplay Ottó Geir Borg, Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson, Vesturport

Cast Ingvar E. Sigurdsson (Anton), Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir (Drifa), Gísli Örn Gardarsson (Benni), Ólafur Egill Egilsson (Kiddi), Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Sævar), Björn Hlynur Haraldsson (Logi), Víkingur Kristjánsson (Jon Geir)



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