Surnuaiavahi tütarDie Tochter des Friedhofwärters / The Graveyard Keeper's Daughter

Competition Narrative Films, Estonia 2011, 100 Min., English subtitles

Surnuaiavahi tütar

On the one hand, Lucia could be mistaken for an Estonian Pippi Longstocking. The nine-year-old's life is full of pranks and exuberance. But on the other it is full of problems: She lags behind at school, her father Kaido's income as a gravedigger and casual labourer is insufficient to suport the family, her mother Maria is an alcoholic. While a mutual holiday in Finland brings a few rays of light into their family life as they stay with Sirpa, a supportive reverend, their plight grows all the more unbearable when they return. A new teacher seeks to put Lucia in the care of a children's home, and when Kaido leaves his family in a state of despair, Lucia's mother can no longer put up any resistance - the more so as her drinking problem conjures up a tragic catastrophe. Director Katrin Lauer takes a sensitive approach to recounting the idyllic moments of a childhood in the country while also depicting its dark aspects in their full intensity - and shows what it can be like for a child to grow up in an economically weak region in Europe.

Director Katrin Laur

Screenplay Katrin Laur

Cast Maria Avdjushko (Maria), Rain Simmul (Kaido), Kerttu-Killi Grenman (Lucia), Esther Kõiv (Jats), Ulla Reinikainen (Sirpa), Epp Eespäev (Tuvike), Ülle Kaljuste (Anne), Arvo Kukumägi (Joss)



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