Konger av OsloDie Könige von Oslo / Kings of Oslo

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2010, 60 Min.

Konger av Oslo

Haadi comes from Africa, Mina comes from China. Both are in 7th grade in the Ruseløkka school in Oslo, the school with the country's smallest school yard. On 17th May, the Norwegian national holiday, half of Oslo marchest past the royal couple, and Haadi and Mari, too, wave the Norwegian flag. "We were not refugees," says the young boy self-confidentially, "Norway wanted us." Mina on the other hand shows concern for the beggars she sees on the streets of this rich country. Director Elsa Kvamme accompanied the two twelve-year-olds and their classmates for one year, filming them at school and at home, while skiing or hiking in the woods.What are their dreams on the threshold between childhood and adulthood? How do they behave in conflicts? What do they expect in life? The schoolchildren in this film demonstrate a high level in tolerance and reason and impart their information in a most charming and personal manner. Just like Haadi and Mina they feel at home here in their Oslo.

Director Elsa Kvamme

Screenplay Elsa Kvamme

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