Pasaules skanaKlänge unter der Sonne / Sounds Under the Sun

Competition Documentaries, Latvia 2010, 62 Min., English subtitles

Pasaules skana

Not being able to compose is hell to the English composer Sir John Tavener. His view is probably shared by the other five world-famous composers portrayed in this film: John Luther Adams from USA, Giya Kancheli from Georgia, Leonid Desyatnikov from Russia, Dobrinka Tabakova from Bulgaria and Ko Matsushita from Japan. Contemporary music is considered difficult – this film by Davis Simani and Gints Grube facilitates the access by introducing its creators as contemporary to their audience. We witness six composers at work and attending performances of their work, but first and foremost in their homes. Without intending to explain their music, they nevertheless convey a lot of information about what has influenced it: the forests of Alaska, a backyard in Tiflis, the underground train in St. Petersburg. Very earthly prerequisites – be they natural landscapes or urban environments – thus often lead to music that is quite ethereal.

Director Davis Simanis, Gints Grube

Screenplay Davis Simanis, Gints Grube

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