Zuletzt befreit mich doch der TodDeath Alone Will Release Me

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2007, 76 Min.

Zuletzt befreit mich doch der Tod

“If anything should happen to me, by accident or out of my own free will, I, Gwendolin, known as Kay, wish that something should happen with the things that I said and wrote.” These words are the starting point and obliging commitment of a piece of filmic research after Gwendolin-Kay took her life on 20th September 2001. Numerous statements are assembled to an oppressive exemplary image of a girl’s life that seems to have been determined by traumatising, abandonment and sexual violence. The film wrestles with fragments of a truth that remains subjective for each individual. It traces the path of the seemingly inevitable – until at the end there remains, exemplary also for others, the portrait of a young woman who actually just wanted to live.

Director Beate Middeke

Screenplay Beate Middeke

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