Svarta nejlikanThe Black Pimpernel

Special, Sweden 2007, 89 Min., English subtitles

Svarta nejlikan

Swedish diplomat Harald Edelstam (1913-1989) was ambassador in Chile in 1973, and a firsthand witness of the putsch against Salvador Allende and the seizure of power by the military. He refused to shut his eyes to the persecution of the left wing opposition. Edelstam had worked for the Swedish embassy in Berlin and Oslo during World War II. During that time he saved members of the resistance and Jews from persecution; within the Norwegian resistance he was called “The Black Pimpernel”. In Chile Edelstam was similarly committed. He allowed Chileans who were being persecuted access to the embassy and organized for them to be granted asylum to Sweden. The rescue of Cuban civilians is generally viewed as his most courageous act was. When Chilean tanks advanced towards the Cuban embassy, he stepped into their path and declared the Cuban embassy Swedish sovereign territory. The feature film pays homage to this man’s courageous actions, not withholding the fact that he gradually lost all support from his superiors. Stock footage by Harald Edelstam completes the reconstruction of historic events.

Director Ulf Hultberg

Screenplay Bob Foss

Cast Michael Nyquist (Harald Edelstam), Lumi Cavazos (Ana Contreras), Kate del Castillo (Consuelo Fuentes), Lisa Werlinder (Susanne), Daniel Gilménez Cacho (Ricardo Fuentes), Carsten Norgaard (Winther)

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